GR Firm

Illegal Phone Recording

Have you ever suspected that your phone calls with major companies were being recorded without your consent? Your privacy matters, and we’re here to protect it. If you believe your information was collected during a call without proper notification, contact us with the specifics of your experience. Our legal team specializes in pursuing class actions against major companies engaged in illegal phone recording practices. Reach out today, and we’ll assess your case for potential compensation. Your voice deserves to be heard, and your privacy should be respected. Get in touch to explore your options.
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We are driven by the proverbial “David & Goliath” story and operate upon the principle of equality before the law. Everyone, at every level, must be held accountable. Our class action practice demystifies the legal landscape, enabling our clients to enforce their rights as individuals or class representatives.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our attorneys are available to answer your questions.

We are a consumer protection class action firm that investigates and prosecutes corporate malfeasance and obtains tangible results that affect consumers nationwide.

If you’ve experienced a problem with a company, we can help you recover your losses and receive a substantial monetary settlement for stepping up to represent countless others.

We investigate companies and consumer complaints free of charge. We will only be compensated if you settle or win.

Once you become our client, we will notify the opposing party of their violations of the law and work diligently to find an amicable resolution with the company’s counsel. If an agreement cannot be reached, a formal complaint will be filed and the court will aid in an evaluation of the case or a compromise.

If you have been aggrieved by a company’s practices and prefer that we do not initiate a formal investigation, email your story to

View one of our open cases to begin the claim process. Sign up takes no more than 2 minutes.

If your case qualifies for investigation, we will request supporting documentation from you (if applicable). All information shared with us is strictly confidential.

Our representation begins once you sign a retainer agreement that confirms that GR Firm will represent you. We do not accept any payments upfront. We only ask for your cooperation through the process.

Please note that investigations, negotiations, and litigation can take time. Please be patient as the process unfolds. We will keep you informed of all developments.

Please be advised, this content is for your information only and is not intended to be construed as legal advice. We are not your lawyers until you sign the retainer agreement with us.

No. However, any case may reach the stage of discovery – the process through which the parties exchange information that may be helpful to prove their claims or defenses. You may be asked to partake in a deposition, where your experience with a particular product or service will be questioned. We strive to make the process as simple as possible and we will work around your availability.

Class action lawsuits allow individuals who have been harmed by a product or entity to partake in a joint lawsuit against the company in question. This enables the parties to be compensated without having to file their own lawsuits.